After his Post graduation in Business Management from Chinthaman Rao College, Maharashtra, Presently Known as Institute for Management & Research (IIMR), Ajith started his career as a Client Service executive in an Advertising agency in Pune and slowly moved into other areas of marketing. Most of his years were spend in Bangalore and then, he became Marketing Manager to SRK Constructions, Trivandrum.
On his association with IISE:
“This was indeed the turning point in my life. It was through Mr. Bhadresh, (Co-Trustee), that I met Paul and Sabriye. This meeting was an eye opening experience to me. We sat together for nearly an hour and every moment charged me up enough to start visualizing this opportunity to build a beautiful team, as it was the starting phase of IISE and help them in realizing their dream. Every day at IISE is a learning experience to me and I am thrilled to be a part of this amazing project.”